Essentials vitamins required in winter


As soon as the winter arrives, the chances of getting cold and become ill rise by many folds. So everyone tries to keep him/herself healthy during winters. What you need to do is have proper exercise, stay cozy, and eat a healthy diet. Though after listening to this you may try to cover yourself in quilts during this season. Well that’s is a barely genuine method to prevent illness. As an alternative sanitize and properly wash your hands and take some supplements to boost up immunity of your body. Here we are going to mention some vital vitamins that are required in winter so that you can prevent yourself from a severe deficiency of vitamins.

Vitamins B belongs to the class of vitamins that are soluble in water mutually called Vitamin B-complex. These vitamins comprise of:

  • B1 also known as thiamine
  • B2 commonly known as riboflavin
  • B3 as niacin
  • B5 as pantothenic acid
  • B6 as pyridoxine
  • B7 as biotin
  • B9 as folate
  • And B12 is Cobalamin

Each class of these vitamins performs different tasks, but particularly they are helpful in maintaining the metabolic process of cells. Vitamins B is essential in winter as they boost up your immunity and maintains the overall health of your body. Also, many pieces of research indicate that these vitamins are helpful in pacifying brain cells, intensify the well-being of your brain. Similarly, they increase cellular restoration, defend the body against illness, and enhance hale and hearty pleasure that aid to prevent winter blues.
The suggested amount of such vitamins is different for each individual, so one must consult a doctor or pharmacist for a required dose.

  • Vitamin C

Like Vitamins B these vitamins are also soluble in water also recognized as Ascorbic acid. Basically it is an antioxidant vitamin that aids to defend the body from free radicals. Also, it has long-lasting fame for enhancing immunity in the body. As ascorbic acid or vitamin C is not produced by the body it is essential to obtain it from food for example citrus fruits, strawberries, broccoli, etc. and through supplements. Similarly, vitamin C is helpful in fighting against viral diseases. The suggested daily dose of vitamin C for women is about 75mg while 90mg is required for men.

  • Vitamin D

Unlike Vitamin B and vitamin C, Vitamin D is soluble in fats and has a significant part in making bones strong as it assists the body in absorbing calcium. Also, the latest researches have indicated a specified fall in vitamin D makes our body more prone to get infected by diseases. Basically we can get vitamin D from 2 sources one is food and the other is Sun. UVB lights coming from Sun stimulate our tissues in the body harvest Vitamin D. However the number of UVB rays decreased in northern areas during winter. So it’s the time to take supplements comprising vitamin D or taking it from food. The suggested daily dose of vitamin D for people of age 109-70 is about 600 lU with 25(OH)D levels of vitamin D minimal 30ng/mL.

  • Vitamin A

Like Vitamin D retinol or Vitamin A is soluble in fats. It is essential for a good vision and one should have a sufficient amount of vitamin A in winter. A fall in the levels of vitamin A reduced your immunity and hence your chances of getting infection increased. Tuna fish, carrots, eggs, leafy green vegetables and dairy products are a rich sources of beta- carotene and vitamin A. Vitamin A recommended daily dose is 1mg for men and 0.8 mg for women.

  • Vitamin E

Vitamin E or tocopherol is also soluble in fats. It helps the body in fighting against diseases like arthritis and cancer besides boosting immunity in the body. Vegetable oils and nuts are enriched in Vitamin E. Its recommended daily dose is 14mg in men and 12 mg in women. Visit for more details.