Visa Options When Looking For Jobs In Singapore For Foreigners

Jobs In Singapore For Foreigners

As there are many Singapore visa types for foreigners, deciding one which best fits your needs can leave you in a dilemma. This write-up aims to help you distinguish clearly between the visas and work permits available in Singapore, as well as which one suits you as a high or mid-trained worker.

You’ll need a Singaporean visa before you can leave to start your new life in Singapore. Applying for a Singaporean visa can be a lot easier than for some other countries because it depends largely on the salary of the applicant.

Listed Below Are A Variety Of Visa Options You Can Apply For Without A Job In Hand

  • Employment Pass Eligibility Certificate (EPEC)

If you are a foreigner searching for a job in Singapore, this may be ideal for you. Once the EPEC has been issued after a successful application, the applicant is required to apply for a visit pass that will be valid for one year. This visit pass will allow the applicant stay for one year in search of job.

As soon as the applicant is gainfully employed, the employer will need to apply for an employment pass for him.

  • Personalized Employment Pass (PEP)

Obtaining a PEP is only possible if the applicant meets the following condition.

  1. The applicant’s most recently drawn fixed monthly salary overseas must be above the specified amount, or
  2. The applicant must be a former P1 Pass holder, now residing overseas

The PEP does not require that the Employer gets any other pass for the applicant. This pass is valid for 5 years, but you cannot stay unemployed for a period of more than six months. This option has gathered reputation, as it is widely used among foreigners looking for jobs in Singapore.

  • Visit Pass

This option allows you to search for a job during a short visit to Singapore. The employer will need to apply for an Employment Pass once you are employed.

You need a prospective employer to apply for;

  • Employment Pass (EP)

The Singaporean Employment Pass is designed for skilled employees, with a minimum salary of S$2,800.

There are three different types of EP: P1, P2, and Q1. Check One Visa service for free eligibility assessment.

  • S Pass

The S Pass is specifically for semi-skilled employees with a minimum monthly salary of $2,000.

  • Letter of Consent

This demands that a prospective employer applies for a Letter of Consent for the foreigner (instead of an EP or S Pass, which are also possible options).

NB: Different Employment Pass types have different requirements that must be met before the MOM approves it. These are listed below.

  1. P1 Pass:
  • A fixed monthly salary of at least S$8,000
  • The applicant must have appropriate experience in managerial, professional, executive and specialist jobs.
  1. P2 Pass:
  • A fixed monthly salary of at least S$4,000
  • The applicant must have appropriate experience in managerial, professional, executive and specialist jobs.
  1. Q1 Pass:
  • A minimum monthly salary of $2,800
  • Recognized qualifications, as well as years of experience

Having been enlightened, get ready to head off to start your new expat life in Singapore!