Tow Trucks. Friend Or Foe?


If you are like most people, your bike, car or truck is your favorite travel companion. To many people, the automobile and motorcycle industries are heaven-sent. They make our movements from point A to B easier and relatively faster.

Just like any other city in the United States, Vegas has a high number of vehicles belonging to residents, private companies, and visitors. As a vehicle owner, it’s important to be conversant with towing laws in Las Vegas. Having these laws at your fingertips will go to great lengths in making you understand your right as a vehicle owner.

Several reasons may lead to your vehicle being towed away. These are;

Parking in undesignated spots

Sometimes you may be unaware of parking restrictions, or you might be, but then you are attending to a burning issue that will force you to park where you are not allowed to. This will lead the people in charge of the authorities to seek the services of a tow truck if you delay moving from the spot. In some cases, the vehicle will be towed almost immediately.


Accidents caused by mechanical failures or human errors will sometimes lead to your vehicle being undrivable. After all the necessary procedures involving the police and talking to your auto insurance company. If your cover does not include towing services, you will need to call a tow truck to get it where your insurer requires it.

Out of gas

Driving a long distance or for a while, the fuel beep warns you of low fuel. Just as you drive towards your nearest gas station, your engine abruptly shuts down. Having that tow truck’s number will be of great importance as they will get you to your destination safe and sound.


Driving a vehicle with an overheating engine can be an extremely risky business with the risks of fires, deaths and even serious injuries. In such an event, it is important to shut down the engine and move far from the vehicle. Then as the engine cools, it is important to call a tow truck to take the vehicle to a technician to have it checked before resuming driving.

Flat tires

Tires will never warn you when they are about to blow or run flat. Sometimes in unfortunate situations, this will happen when the spare wheel is also flat. This will leave you with only one solution, calling a tow truck to get you to the nearest garage.

Mechanical problems

Mechanical problems may be caused by failure to adhere to the manufactures repair or regular inspection requirements. Errors on the manufacturers’ end may also cause these. These will sometimes lead to failure of the vehicle’s electronic system. Driving under these circumstances lead to a lot of risks and even possible accidents.

The above are some of the reasons that will lead to your vehicle being to various destinations. It is however important to fully understand the laws that govern their operations and the and the laws that cushion your interests. All in all, tow trucks in most cases are a friend.