Important Questions To Ask A Digital Marketing Agency Before Hiring


You may have been burned by a black hat SEO firm and you’ve sworn that you’ll be more thorough when choosing the next agency, or maybe you’re a new enterprise looking to hire a digital marketing expert. Either way, you should be careful when choosing a digital marketing company, it is important to do some research and gather recommendations from knowledgeable colleagues.

Here are some important questions to ask during the hiring process.

  • SEO

How will they improve your search engine ranking?

You must ask the digital marketing agency how they plan on improving your search engine rankings. Find out what process they use to promote your business and be wary of firms who use black hat SEO techniques. Using black hat methods in relation to improving your rankings can have adverse effects on your marketing campaign.

Can they guarantee immediate results?

If you are looking for a digital marketing company who specialise in SEO in Sydney and you encounter a business who guarantee that you’ll see immediate results, you should carefully consider their proposal. An effective SEO marketing campaign takes time, you won’t see immediate results unless the company you are speaking to is using black hat techniques. Successful marketing projects gradually gain momentum, meaning you should see your website rankings steadily increase monthly.

  • General

How will you make my company stand out from the crowd?

It is vital that you consult with a marketing agency who understand your needs. They should take some time to meet with you and listen to how you’d like to present your company. Understanding your niche and your target audience is vital for running a successful campaign. If they don’t listen to your concerns, then you may be better off looking for a more suitable agency.

What kind of experience do you have with similar companies?

If you find a long standing digital marketing company, chances are they’ll have plenty of experience dealing with a diverse range of companies and online marketing campaigns. Ask them whether they’ve worked with a business like yours? Or do they have experience designing campaigns in your industry? Investing money in an agency who have no knowledge is certainly risky, but that doesn’t mean you should dismiss them. If they are willing to work hard and have a proven track record in other areas, you could consider them to lead your campaign.

Who will manage my campaign?

It is important to know who exactly you’ll be working with, so if you’ve any question or queries about the marketing strategy, you can contact your project leader and discuss your concerns. They must be accessible and easy to contact at all times of the day.