Top 5 Reasons a Transponder Key is Right for You

Transponder Key

Whether you’ve bought your keyless entry car brand new, or used, chances are, you didn’t get as many keys as you would’ve liked. Most second-hand keyless cars come with just one key fob, which means that you need to hold on to your key for dear life and hope that you don’t lose it because you won’t have a spare to fall back on. This is where transponder keys come in.

Unlike a regular key fob, that uses your car’s key in the fob along with programming, transponder keys are simply programmed to match your car. These can come in handy if you ever lose your original keys! In this post, we’re going to be going over the top 5 reasons you should get a transponder key for your vehicle!

Top 5 Reasons you need to get a Transponder Key

  1. They’re Secure

    Even though transponder keys don’t have a key in them, that doesn’t mean that they can’t be as secure. They’re still tailored to your specific car, made using the serial number of your car, and a microchip that’s programmed to match your car. They emit a low-level signal that enables the car to read the key, and once it recognizes the key as its own, your car can be unlocked and started using it! Letting it work exactly like your regular key!

  2. They won’t let you get locked out

If you have a transponder key programmed for your car, you can forget about worrying about losing your main key. Even if you lose it, or worse, forget it inside your car and accidentally lock yourself out, you can use these to open the door and get back in! Without having to try dangerous maneuvers that could possibly damage your car door!

  1. They’re Durable

    Regular keys are subject to wear and tear. They can get scratched, bent, and banged up fairly easily over time, and the expensive key fobs your car comes with can easily break into pieces if it falls onto a pavement hard enough. Either of these scenarios will leave you without a key, and you will not be able to access your car until you’re able to get a replacement, which could end up being a lengthy process. Having a transponder key pre-made and on hand gets rid of the risk of you ever being without a key!

  2. They’re easy to use and convenient

    If you live in a multi-person household, you might run into the problem of keeping the car keys super visible and on hand for everyone that needs to drive them. This can be pretty annoying and inconvenient if you only have one key. Having a transponder key programmed for each person in the household can make things a lot more convenient than having to search the house for where the key is every time the car needs to be used!

  3. They’re Cost-Effective

    If you find yourself unable to find your key, you’re going to have to deal with the long and strenuous procedure of getting a new key made for your car. Especially if you’re doing it through your insurance or the company the car is made by itself. All that effort doesn’t come cheap either, you’re going to have to dish out quite a lot of money for everything to get done. All of this can be avoided by contacting locksmith in Birmingham, or a local locksmith in your area to make you transponder keys for your car before the worst happens. This way, no matter what happens to your original key, you’ll still be able to get into your car and drive it too!