The Benefits of Commercial Property Refurbishment


The last 10 years has seen a dramatic change in the way we use our commercial workspaces. This change in attitude to the work environment as well as in how we interact with our environment has forced us to rethink how we model the interior of our workplaces.

If you’re still operating out of a 1970s style cubicle then it might be time to step into the 21st century with a comprehensive refurbishment. The productivity of yourself and those you manage can only go up.

Rolling out Rebranding Schemes

One of the best times to undergo an office refurbishment is in the event of a company rebrand. This opportunity gives you the chance to design your new office space from the ground up, taking into account everything from the pattern of your carpet to the colour of your walls.

At this stage it might be worth hiring an interior designer or space planner to help you to visualise your corporate branding strategy. This step is even more important if this new strategy is going to be rolled out across more than one location.

Boost Staff Morale

Research has shown that staff are far more efficient and productive when they appreciate their working environment. Dark spaces lacking in natural light and isolation from colleagues has been shown to have a negative effect on staff morale.

To get around this, refurbishing your office space with bright colours and glazed partitioning is going to work wonders for improving the overall look and feel of your environment.

Create Open Plan Space

When the move was first made to open plan office spaces there was considerable resistance. Some common complaints included a lack of privacy and feeling as if you were working in a call centre.

Once people actually moved into their new open plan environments, they quickly acclimatised and noted the benefits which include;

  • Increased levels of comfort
  • An increased sense of freedom
  • The provision of greater natural light spread

Promote Agile working

Agile working is the concept of not being forced to sit or work at a fixed location. Also known as hot-desking, agile workers usually utilise the benefits of laptops and mobile phones which means that they can essentially work from anywhere including home.

Reducing the amount of headcount present means that you can reduce the number of desks you need to provide, resulting in the requirement for less space which can reduce your commercial property costs.

Agile workers are also far more satisfied with their work life balance.

Replacing the Furniture

Office refurbishments are a good excuse to replace all of the old furniture that you have accumulated. A new open plan environment demands innovative furniture solutions which can offer better ergonomics and flexibility for your staff.

Plan Your Refurbishment

Hopefully you’re now sold on completely renovating your office space. If you’re in the Midlands and are considering commercial property renovation in Coventry, get in touch with one of the many contractors that operates in the area. A refurbishment contractor will be able to provide you with a solution that is right for you.

If you get the balance right, your office refurbishment might just end up paying for itself with far more productive employees and reduced overheads.