How To Find Good Conference Speakers For A Company


A business event or a conference will be remembered for three things – food, venue and the speech. While food and venue depend on money and how one spends them wisely, the third requires great deal of knowledge and skill to motivate the audience. It requires more than a small effort to deduce a shortlist of keynote speakers Canada. Here are some valid points to judge a good speaker from the not-so-good before hiring any of them for the business conference.

  • Never hire a speaker without watching him or her performing elsewhere; otherwise, it would be like buying a vehicle by looking at the brochure. Therefore, trust a conference speaker who has shown his or her talent during a conference or any public speaking event.
  • A conference speaker should have the zeal to research thoroughly on the given topic or subject. Outward appearances and flamboyance in words will work on rare occasions, but when the conference is big and so are the expectations, it research that helps the company to move forward with success. Therefore, a speaker must specifically understand the needs of a company and do research accordingly.
  • Most speakers Canada disappear after the speech and appear at the right time for the presentation. This would send bad signals to the audience; therefore, hire a professional who understands the importance of his/her presence in the conference and stays with the delegates for some time.
  • There are speakers who have great effluence in a specific field and struggle to perform in others. Therefore, before hiring a professional learn about their previous experience with similar type of businesses or organizations. It would be advisable to select conference speakers well-versed in the ways and means of the field.
  • Promote the event so that the speakers can contact the company on their own rather than going in search for them. This should be done only if one has sufficient time to conduct interviews and select the best one. As the event is announced, ask the event manager or the marketing staff to promote the requirement of a speaker and many portfolios will fly into the cabin.
  • While approaching a speaker, observe the interest the candidate has about the job. This is generally found out by the number of questions they ask and the depth they go into the subject. Do not hesitate to be showered with questions as that is the mark of a fine speaker who wants to give the best of service when hired.
  • Some speakers look to sell their profile by employing cunning means that entrap the client to hiring them. The result will be a disastrous event or conference with no one interested in the topic spoken by the person. Therefore, don’t trust a man by his looks or what he promises, look for proofs and find out whether there are any testimonials found on the person supporting his views.

By short listing conference speakers in the above mentioned method one can find the best one to get the desired results. Further, place an eye on the prices as well, as some of the speakers come with affordable prices while some ask a gold mine.