Exciting Business Opportunities in the Fragrance Industry


If you are looking to start your own business and you enjoy meeting people, there are exciting opportunities that await you in the perfume and fragrancy industry. If you are tired of the drudge that is your 9-5 job and you would like a challenging and very rewarding business, there are openings with a well-known fragrancy company to become a host to distribute their premier scent products.

Professional Help and Support

Once you join Scentsy in Wishaw, for a small outlay, you will receive your starter pack, which includes the following:

  • Extensive Range of Scent Testers to Try Out at Parties
  • All Order Forms and Administration Paperwork
  • Scent Bars – For Promotional Use at Parties
  • Spring/Summer 2019 Fragrancy Testers
  • Product Training Guide

Plus a whole lot more promotional products that will help you when you are out in the field, and with the full training and support of your management team, the only way to go is up.

Finding a Sponsor

Scentsy are a major US supplier of premier scent & fragrancy products, and in order to enrol as one of their hosts, you will need a sponsor, who is someone already connected to the company. The sponsor will offer you all the support you need to get your business off the ground, and with their help, you will very quickly build up a following.

Once you have a few parties booked, you can start to introduce customers to the amazing range of products, and the great thing about this company is that you will meet people like yourself who are already well on their way to being successful, which is really all the motivation you need.